Almenara, Francisco J. El Contrabajo a Través De La Historia. Murcia: Ediciones Infides, 2007.
Bagovska, Petya Mihailova. Контрабас : Традиции и Бъдеще. Sofia: Multiprint, 2011. [Translated: “Bass: Tradition and Future”]
Benzi, Werther. Il contrabbasso. Ancona, Milano: Farfisa, 1963.
Billé, Isaia. Gli Strumenti Ad Arco e i Loro Cultori: Origine Degli Strumenti Ad Arco. Liuteria. Didattica. Storia Della Mvsica e Delle Scuole Strumentistiche in Generale. Roma: Ausonia, 1928.
Bortlíček, Jiří. Dějiny a Literatura Kontrabasu. Brno: Janáčkova akademie múzických umění v Brně, 1984.
Bordás, Tibor. Nagybőgők És Nagybőgősök. Budapest: Nemzeti Tankönyvk, 1995. [translated: “Double Basses and Double Bassists”]
Bordás, Tibor. Adatok a Nagybőgő Történetéhez. Debrecen: “Kodály Zoltán” Zeneművészeti Szakközépiskola, 1981. [translated: “Information about the History of the Double Bass”]
Brun, Paul. A New History of the Double Bass. Villeneuve d’Ascq: P. Brun Productions, 2000.
Brun, Paul. A History of the Double Bass. France: P. Brun, 1989.
Brun, Paul. Histoire Des Contrebasses À Cordes. Paris: La Flûte de Pan, 1982.
Carlin, Salvatore. Il Contrabbasso: storia della sua evoluzione tecnica e artistica. Ancona, Italy: Bèrben, 1974.
Crotti, Riccardo. Il Contrabbasso. Bergamo: Dalla Costa, 2013.
Crotti, Riccardo. Il Contrabbasso. Mozzo: Dalla Costa, 2005.
Dobrokhotov, B. Kontrabas: Istoriia I Metodika. Moskva: Muzyka, 1974.
Elgar, Raymond. Introduction to the Double Bass. Sussex, 1960.
Elgar, Raymond. More About the Double Bass. St. Leonards-on-Sea, Eng, 1963.
Elgar, Raymond. Looking at the Double Bass. 31 Charles Road West, St. Leonards-on-sea (Sussex): Raymond Elgar, 1967.
Fink, Bernhard M. Die Geschichte Des Kontrabasses Und Seine Trennung Vom Violoncello in Der Orchestralen Instrumentation. Regensburg: G. Bosse, 1974.
[originally a dissertation, cited also in ABP Dissertations ]
Gajdoš, Miloslav. Slovník kontrabasistů : Encyklopedie významných představitelů kontrabasové hry minulosti i současnosti. Kroměříž: Miloslav Gajdoš, 1994.
Gajdoš, Miloslav: Slovník kontrabasistů. Kroměříž: Miloslav Gajdoš,1978.
Khomenko, V. Zhizn Moia -Muzyka: Zapiski Muzykanta. Moskva: Rossiĭskaia akademiia muzyki im. Gnesinykh, 2004. [Biographies of Russian Bassists]
Kment, Jan. Nejhlubší Z Rodu Smyčců: Dějiny a Literatura Kontrabasu. Praha: Supraphon, 1988.
Lohse, Jonas. Das Kontrabass-Buch. Friedberg: Jonas Lohse Verlag, 2018.
Lohse, Jonas. The Double Bass Book: 400 Years of Low Notes. Friedberg: Jonas Lohse Verlag, 2021.
Pelczar, Tadeusz. Kontrabas Od a Do Z. Kraków: Polskie Wydawn. Muzyczne, 1974.
Planyavsky, Alfred. Geschichte Des Kontrabasses. Tutzing: H. Schneider, 1984.
Planyavsky, Alfred. Geschichte Des Kontrabasses. Tutzing: H. Schneider, 1970.
Planyavsky, Alfred, Willard Schultz, and Jim Harnett. The String Contrabass and Its Particular Tradition: A Brief History of the Instrument in Chamber Music and in Solo Performance. n.p.: J. Harnett?, 1964.
Rakov, Lev. Istoriia Kontrabasovogo Iskusstva. Moskva: Kompozitor, 2004.
Rakov, Lev. Otechestvennoe Kontrabasovoe Iskusstvo Xx Veka: 20-80-e Gody. Moskva: NTTS “Konservatoriia”, 1993.
Romano, Daniele. Il Contrabbasso: Passato Presente Futuro. Palermo: Poligraf, 1993.
Stoliarchuk, Bohdan. Kontrabasysty Ukraïny: Biohrafichnyĭ Slovnyk. Rivne: Derzhavne redaktsiĭno-vydavnyche pidpryiemstvo, 1992.
Velkov, Georgi. История на Контрабаса. София : Музика, 1991.
Warnecke, Friedrich. “Ad Infinitum.”: Der Kontrabass, Seine Geschichte Und Seine Zukunft. Probleme Und Deren Lösung Zur Hebung Des Kontrabassspiels. Hamburg: Der verfasser, 1909. Online View & Download
Warnecke, Friedrich. “Ad Infinitum”. Leipzig: Edition Intervalle, 2005. (reprint.)
History - Periodo Clasico.
Focht, Josef. Der Wiener Kontrabass: Spieltechnik Und Aufführungspraxis : Musik Und Instrumente . Tutzing: Schneider, 1999.
Meier, Adolf. Konzertante Musik Für Kontrabass in Der Wiener Klassik: Mit Beiträgen Zur Geschichte Des Kontrabassbaues in Österreich. München: Musikverlag E. Katzbichler, 1979.
Meier, Adolf. Konzertante Musik Für Kontrabass in Der Wiener Klassik . Giebing über Prien am Chiemsee: E. Katzbichler, 1969.
Historia– Periodo Barroco.
Bagnasco, Federico. Kontrabach: Percorso Storico-Musicale di un Binomio Possibile : Note Attorno al Rapporto tra il Contrabbasso e la Musica di Bach. Padova: Armelin musica, 2012.
Bol, Johan H. D. La Basse De Viole Du Temps De Marin Marais Et D’antoine Forqueray. Bilthoven: Creyghton, 1974.
Fagerlande, Marcelo. O Baixo Contínuo No Brasil, 1751-1851: Os Tratados Em Português. Rio de Janeiro: 7Letras, 2011.
[ Translated: Basso Continuo in Brazil, 1751-1851: Treatises in Portuguese. ]
Glüxam, Dagmar. Instrumentarium Und Instrumentalstil in Der Wiener Hofoper Zwischen 1705 Und 1740. Chapter Tutzing: Schneider, 2006. Chapter: “4.1.8. Violone, Contrabasso,” pp. 400-418. Table of Contents – DDB Record Link
[ In addition to the dedicated “Violone, Contrabasso” chapter cited above, this valuable work also covers the use of Basso instruments in various other genre and enesemble settings. See Table of Contents link above ]
Harris, Rachel. Orchestral Technique in Action: Guidelines for Playing in a Historically Informed Orchestra Aimed at Student String Players. Hamburg: Tredion, 2020. Record Link
[ The subject headings of the record for this book indicate kontrabass, violone and double bass, thus included in this listing ]
Hoffmann, Bettina. I Bassi d’arco di Antonio Vivaldi : Violoncello, Contrabbasso e Viola da Gamba al suo Tempo e nelle sue Opere. Firenze: Olschki, 2020. Publisher Presentation – Table of Contents
[ Note: the Third Chapter presents all the relevant information in respect to bass players, period technique, instruments and tunings ]
Planyavsky, Alfred. Der Barockkontrabass Violone. Tutzing: Schneider, 1998.
Planyavsky, Alfred. The Baroque Double Bass Violone. Lanham, Md: Scarecrow Press, 1998.
History – National Schools
Zi-ping, Chen. The Development of Double Bass in China. Beijing : Central Conservatory of Music Press, 2011.
[ This book is written entirely in Chinese and the title is presented in English for the reference purpose.
Bass Players
Books Featuring Several Bass Players
Please Note – some books featuring the collective listings & biographies of bass players which may be considered a source for bass history, are also cited in the Bass History – General category above.
Clarke, A M. A Biographical Dictionary of Fiddlers, Including Performers on the Violoncello and Double Bass, Past and Present, Containing a Sketch of Their Artistic Career: Together with Notes of Their Compositions, &c. St. Clair Shores, Mich: Scholarly Press, 1972.
Bordás, Tibor. Nagybőgők És Nagybőgősök. Budapest: Nemzeti Tankönyvk, 1995. [translated: “Double Basses and Double Bassists”]
Fleming, James M. The Fiddle Fancier’s Guide: A Manual of Information Regarding Violins, Violas, Basses and Bows of Classical and Modern Times, Together with Biographical Notices and Portraits of the Most Famous Performers of These Instruments. London: Haynes, Foucher & Co, 1892.
Download: Internet Archive – Online View: Chapter IX “Basses and Bass Players” Internet Archive (listing of bass players starts with p. 307)
[cited also under Instruments – Organology and Luthiers – Bass Makers headings]
Khomenko, V. Zhizn Moia -Muzyka: Zapiski Muzykanta. Moskva: Rossiĭskaia akademiia muzyki im. Gnesinykh, 2004. [Biographies of Russian Bassists]
Rives, James A. Famous Bass Players. Santa Fe, N.M: Division of Music, College of Santa Fe, 1972.
Stoliarchuk, Bohdan. Kontrabasysty Ukraïny: Biohrafichnyĭ Slovnyk. Rivne: Derzhavne redaktsiĭno-vydavnyche pidpryiemstvo, 1992.
Individual Bass Players
Abert, Johann Joseph.
Abert, Hermann. Johann Joseph Abert (1832-1915): Sein Leben Und Seine Werke, Mit Einer Reihe Bisher Unveröffentlichter Briefe Von Dichtern Und Musikern Und Einem Exkurs Über Die Grosse Französische Oper. Leipzig: Breitkopf & Härtel, 1916.
Bottesini, Giovanni.
Giovanni Bottesini: Virtuoso Del Contrabbaso E Compositore. Milano: Nouve Edizioni, 1989.
Sei lettere inedite di Giuseppe Verdi a Giovanni Bottesini / per cura di Teodoro Costantini, bibliotecario del conservatorio musicale di Trieste. Trieste : C. Schmidl & Co., 1908.
Arpini, Flavio, and Giovanni Bottesini. Giovanni Bottesini: Concertista E Compositore : Esecuzione, Ricezione E Definizione Del Testo Musicale : Atti Della Giornata Di Studi, Crema, 26 Ottobre 1996. Crema [Italy: Comune di Crema, 1999.
Arpini, Flavio, and Elena Mariani. Giovanni Bottesini E La Civiltà Musicale Cremasca: Atti Del Convegno Di Studi : Crema 25 Ottobre 1989. Crema: Centro culturale sant’ Agostino, 1991.
Arpini, Flavio, and Elena Mariani. Giovanni Bottesini: Tradizione E Innovazione Nell’ottocento Musicale Italiano : Atti Della Tavola Rotonda, Crema 9 Ottobre 1992. Crema: Centro Culturale S. Agostino, 1993.
Bogacki, Adam. Kontrabas Dzisiaj: Wirtuozeria Kontrabasowa W Utworach Giovanniego Bottesiniego Na Tle Dokonań Domenico Dragonettiego I Niccolo Paganiniego : Przygotowanie Dzieła Do Prezentacji Artystycznej. Warszawa: Akademia Muzyczna im. Fryderyka Chopina, 2007.
Bottesini, Giovanni. Mostra Di Liuteria Contemporanea: Omaggio a Bottesini : Palazzo Comunale, 19-29 Ottobre 1989, Cremona. Cremona: Editrice Turris, 1989.
Carniti, Antonio. In Memoria Di Giovanni Bottesini: 22 Dicembre 1921. Crema: Tipografia “La Moderna”, 1921. (see author Lisei)
Carniti, Antonio, and Cesare Lisei. In Memoria Di Giovanni Bottesini. Cremona: Turris, 1996. (reprint of the 1921 edition of the Lisei’s 1886 original)
Inzaghi, Luigi. Giovanni Bottesini: Virtuoso Del Contrabbasso E Compositore. Milano: Nuove edizioni, 1989.
Lini, Sergio. Giovanni Bottesini. Crema : Lema, 1979.
Lisei, Cesare. Giovanni Bottesini: Cenni Biografici. Milano: Ricordi, 1886.
Lisei, Cesare, and Tito Pagliardini. Giovanni Bottesini: Biographical Notes. Milan, Italy: Ricordi, 1886. (English translation)
Mattei, Silvia. Il Metodo per Contrabbasso di Giovanni Bottesini: una Questione di ‘Scuola.’ Prato: NBB Records, 2009.
Mikhno, A. Dzhovanni Bottezini: Zhizn I Tvorchestvo (1821-1889). Moskva: Izd-vo “Muzyka,”, 2008.
Mikhno, A. Dzhovanni Bottezini, 1821-1889: Zhizn I Tvorchestvo. Moskva: Molodezh za Rossiiu, 1997.
Salvagno, Aldo. Giovanni Bottesini: Il Paganini Del Contrabbasso : La Vita Attraverso Le Lettere. Lucca : Liberia Musicale Italiana, 2021.
Vetro, Gaspare N. Giovanni Bottesini, 1821-1889. Parma: Centro studi e ricerche dell’amministrazione dell’Università degli studi di Parma, 1989.
Verdi, Giuseppe, and Teodoro Costantini. Sei Lettere Inedite Di Giuseppe Verdi a Giovanni Bottesini. Trieste: C. Schmidl & Co.; [etc, 1908].
West, Chris. The Paganini of the Double Bass: Bottesini in Britain. Coppell, TX : Amazon Independent Publishing, 2021.
Brodine, Russell Victor
Brodine, Russell V, and Virginia Brodine. Fiddle and Fight. New York: International Publishers, 2001.
Bartoli, Tito.
Bartoli, Tito. Appunti di un contrabbassista. Parma : Gatti (tip.), 1939.
Cuneo, Angelo Francesco.
Bruni, Massimo. Francesco Angelo Cuneo. Una Vita per la Musica. Editore: Ciriè, Giovanni Capella & Figli, 1970.
Dragonetti, Domenico.
Palmer, Fiona M. Domenico Dragonetti in England (1794-1846): The Career of a Double Bass Virtuoso. Oxford [England: Clarendon Press, 1997.
Gallignani, Guido.
Tampieri, D. La Leggerezza Dell’elefante: Guido Gallignani (1880-1974) Concertista All’estero : Carteggi, Nostalgia E Critica Internazionale Di Un Contrabbassista Compositore. Faenza (Ra) [i.e. Ravenna, Italy: Edit Faenza, 2004.
Gregora, František.
Gregora, Otakar. Systematický seznam skladeb a prací Františka Gregory 1819 ažĺ. Otakar Gregora. Praha : vl. n., 1977.
Hajský, O. Fr. Gregora. : V upomínku na 25té výročí jeho úmrtí. sest. O. H. Písek : Nákladem vlastním. – Knihtiskárna Jana Hrušky, 1912.
Hajský, O. Frant. Gregora, hudební skladatel český : V upomínku na 20. výročí jeho úmrtí. Dle Dalibora a jiných pamětí sest. Dr. O. H. Písek : tiskem a nákladem Jaroslava Buriana v Písku, 1907.
Koussevitzky, Serge.
Extensive Bibliography – Collection in Process
Leandre, Joëlle.
Leandre, Joëlle, Franck Médioni, and Jeffrey Grice. Joëlle Léandre: Solo. Israel: Kadima Callective, 2011.
Leandre, Joëlle, and Franck Médioni. À Voix Basse: Entretiens Avec Franck Médioni. Paris: MF, 2008.
Martinelli, Francesco. Joëlle Léandre Discography: A Complete Sourcebook About the Extraordinary French Doublebass Player and Composer. Pontedera: Bandecchi & Vivaldi, 2002.
Martinelli, Francesco. Joëlle Léandre: Discographie, Discographie Critique Sur L’extraordinaire Contrebassiste Et Compositrice Française. Pontedera, Pisa: Bandecchi & Vivaldi, 2002.
Marczyński, Zdzisław.
Marczyński, Zdzisław. Moja Przygoda Z Kontrabasem: Kronika-wspomnienia. Montreal: s. n., 2000.
McClure, Theron.
McClure, Theron R, and Andrew Kohn. The Collected Writings of Theron Mcclure. , 2010.
Meyer, Robert.
Meyer, Robert. The Bottom Line. Victoria, B.C: Trafford, 2008.
Míšek, Adolf.
Krempeć-Kaczor, Joanna. Adolf Mišek: Sonaty Na Kontrabas I Fortepian : Zagadnienia Wykonawcze W Aspekcie Partnerstwa = Adolf Mišek’s Sonatas for Double Bass and Piano : Performance Issues and the Idea of Partnership. [Bydgoszcz] : Wydawnictwo Uczelniane Akademii Muzycznej im. F. Nowowiejskiego, [2011]
[ contains a CD with three double bass and piano sonatas by Mišek: Sonata A-dur op. 5, Sonata E-moll, op. 6 and Sonata F-dur op. 7 performed by Joanna Krempeć-Kaczor (double bass) and Radosław Kurek (piano) ]
Ratiglia, Luigi.
De Blasi, Sergio. Luigi Ratiglia: L’esperienza Umana Ed Artistica Del Musicista Salentino. Galatina (Le): Congedo, 1995.
Sperger, Johann Matthias (1750-1812)
Geschichte, Bauweise und Spieltechnik der Tiefen Streichinstrumente: 21. Musikinstrumentenbau-Symposium Michaelstein, 17. bis 19. November 2000. Blankenburg, Germany: Stiftung Kloster Michaelstein, 2004.
[ an article on Sperger by Igor Pecevski ]
Trumpf, Klaus. “… Da Er Einer Unserer Besten Virtuosen Ist”: Johann-Matthias-Sperger – Leben Und Werk. Mainz: Schott Buch, 2021.
Trumpf, Klaus.
Trumpf, Klaus. Ein Kontrabass Reist Um Die Welt: Erlebte Geschichte(n) Eines Musikers. Norderstedt: Books on Demand, 2015.
Verdeguer, Manuel (1908-1988)
Ruiz Zanón, Francisco. Manuel Verdeguer Beltrán: Descubrimiento de una Leyenda del Contrabajo. Buñol, Valencia: F. Ruiz, 2015.
Zimmerman, Oscar.
Zimmerman, Oscar G, and George Murphy. Once More from the Beginning: Reminiscences of a Virtuoso and Teacher of Double Bass. Interlochen, Mich.: Zimmerman Publications, 1993.
Bass Players – Jazz
Books Featuring Several Jazz Bass Players
Avant-garde Jazz Double-Bassists, Including: Charles Mingus, Steve Beresford, William Parker (musician), Reggie Workman, Tom Abbs, Motoharu Yoshizawa, Didier Levallet, John Farrell (poet), Sirone (musician), Paolo Damiani, Bruno Tommaso. Richardson, Tex.?: Hephaestus Books, 2012.
Fallon, Jack. From the Top: Ellington to the Beatles. London: J. Fallon, 2005. [Jazz Bassists from England]
Fordham, John. Bass Greats: Inspirational Jazz Bassists. Weybridge, Surrey: Newsquest Specialist Media, 2005. [part 1]
Fordham, John. Bass Greats: Inspirational Jazz Bassists. Weybridge, Surrey: Newsquest Specialist Media, 2006. [part 2]
Gourse, Leslie. Deep Down in Music: The Art of the Great Jazz Bassists. New York: F Watts, 1998. [juvenile literature]
Hartmann-Petersen, Hemming. En Røst Fra Orkestergraven: Om Teaterfolk Og Musikermennesker. København: Nyt nordisk forlag A. Busck, 1993. [Jazz Bassists from Danemark]
Hunt, Dave, and Virginia K. Hunt. Jazz Bass Artists of the 1950s. Dearborn Heights, MI: Cranston Publications, 2010.
Warland, Jean. Bass Hits: Histoire. Bruxelles: Le Cri, 2009. [Jazz Bassists from Belgium]
Individual Jazz Bass Players
Brown, Ray.
Grosen, Knud. On Bass: Ray Brown : a Discography. Lunderskov, Denmark: KG-Data, 1996.
Carter, Ron.
Ouellette, Dan, and Nat Hentoff. Ron Carter: Finding the Right Notes. United States: ArtistShare, 2008.
Chambers, Paul.
Palmer, Rob. Mr. P. C: The Life and Music of Paul Chambers. Sheffield: Equinox, 2012.
Crow, Bill.
Crow, Bill. From Birdland to Broadway: Scenes from a Jazz Life. New York: Oxford University Press, 1992.
Hinton, Milt.
Hinton, Milt, David G. Berger, Holly Maxson, and Milt Hinton. Playing the Changes: Milt Hinton’s Life in Stories and Photographs. Nashville: Vanderbilt University Press, 2008.
Lafaro, Scott.
LaFaro-Fernandez, Helene, Chuck Ralston, Jeffrey R. Campbell, and Phil Palombi. Jade Visions: The Life and Music of Scott Lafaro. Denton, Tex: University of North Texas Press, 2009.
Lindström, Erik
Lindström, Erik, Pentti Lasanen, Sven Nygård, Seppo Hovi, Ossi Runne, Kai Pahlman, Antti Sarpila, and Juha Henriksson. Svengaten, Erik: Erik Lindströmin Elämä Ja Musiikki. Helsinki: Tammi, 2005.
Mingus, Charles.
Extensive Bibliography – Collection in Process
Niels-henning Ørsted Pedersen.
Ørsted, Pedersen N. H, Peter H. Larsen, Thorbjørn Sjøgren, and Jan Persson. Nhøp: Niels-henning Ørsted Pedersen. København: Gyldendal, 2005.
Parker, William.
Parker, William. Who Owns Music?: [notes from a Spiritual Journey]. Köln: Buddy’s Knife Jazzedition, 2007.
Peña, Angel.
Peña, Angel. A Man and His Music. Quezon City: Ateneo de Manila University Press, 2007.
Peter, Erich.
Rub, Bruno, and Arild Widerøe. Der Teamplayer: Erich Peter (1935-1996) : Jazzbassist Aus Aurau. Baden: Hier + Jetzt, 2007.
Pettiford, OscarGazdar, Coover. First Bass: The Oscar Pettiford Discography. Bangalore?: C. Gazdar?, 1991.
Phillips, Barre.
Phillips, Barre. Traces: Barre Phillips : Fifty Years of Measured Memories. , 2012. [associated with DVD – CD set]
Pratt, Guy.
Pratt, Guy. My Bass and Other Animals. London: Orion, 2007.
Ray, Carline.
Schlicht, Ursula. “It’s gotta be music first”: zur Bedeutung, Rezeption und Arbeitssituation von Jazzmusikerinnen. Karben: Coda, 2000.
[Chapter: Carline Ray – der lange Weg zum Kontrabaß, p. 160]
[Originally a dissertation, cited also in ABP Dissertations ]
Bass Players – Anecdotes
Mannino, Franco. I Contrabbassi Dipinti: Adagetti Musicali. Lucca: Akademos & Lim, 1996.
Bass Players – Health Issues
Kertz, Randall, Steve Bailey, Chris Clemente, Joey DeMaio, David Ellefson, Brad Opland, Putter Smith, and Victor Wooten. The Bassist’s Guide to Injury Management, Prevention and Better Health. Niles, Ill: Randall Kertz, 2005.
Manuel Verdeguer Beltrán. Descubrimiento de una leyenda del contrabajo Ruiz Zanón, Francisco Piles, Editorial de Música. 2017 EAN: 9788415928973 ISBN: 978-84-15928-97-3 Editorial: Piles, Editorial de Música. Idioma: Castellano Nº páginas: 120
Bass Repertoire – Catalogs
Catalogo delle composizioni per istrumenti ad arco (violino, viola, violoncello, contrabbasso) ; Novembre 1924. Milano ; Roma ; Napoli: G. Ricordi e C., 1924.
Grodner, Murray. Comprehensive Catalog of Music, Books, Recordings, and Videos for the Double Bass. Littleton, Colo: Grodner Publications, 2000. (4th edition)
Grodner, Murray. Comprehensive Catalog of Music, Books, Recordings, and Videos for the Double Bass: Volume I, Volume 2. Madison, Wis.: Omnipress, 2008. (CD ROM) (4th edition supplement)
Grodner, Murray. Comprehensive Catalog of Available Literature for the Double Bass. Bloomington, Ind: Lemur Musical Research, 1974. (3rd edition)
Grodner, Murray. Comprehensive Catalogue of Available Literature for the Double Bass. Second Edition. Bloomington: Lemur Musical Research, 1964. (2nd edition)
Grodner, Murray. Comprehensive Catalogue of Literature for the String Bass: A Complete Listing of Solos, Études, Methods and Chamber Music for the String Bass. Bloomington? Ind., 1958. (1st edition)
Hehenberger, Erich Andreas. Der Malarich-Nachlaß in der Hochschulbibliothek Mozarteum in Salzburg. Musik für Kontrabaß. Bachelor Thesis, Hochschule für Musik und darstellende Kunst „Mozarteum“, Salzburg, 1994.
Leduc, Alphonse. Musique Pour Contrebasse. Paris: Leduc, 1955.
Planyavsky, Alfred. Geschichte Des Kontrabasses. Tutzing: H. Schneider, 1984. p. 713-851.
Ray, Sonia. Catálogo De Obras Brasileiras Eruditas Para Contrabaixo. Saão Paulo: Annablume, 1996.
Bass Repertoire – Compositions – Chamber
Listed by Genre – Duets
Mazurowicz, Ulrich. Das Streichduett in Wien von 1760 bis zum Tode Joseph Haydns. Tutzing: Schneider, 1982.
[Chapter: Duette — für Violine und Violoncello bzw. Kontrabass]
[Originally a dissertation, cited also in ABP Dissertations ]
Listed by Composer
Schubert, Franz.
Brent-Smith, Alexander. Schubert: Quartet in D Minor and Octet. London: Oxford University Press, 1927.
Initial Bibliographic Entry – Collection in Process
Kunitz, Hans. Die Instrumentation: Ein Hand Und Lehrbuch . Leipzig: VEB Breitkopf & Härtel, 1961. p. 1396-1530. [Tl. XIII, Violoncello Kontrabass]
Instruments – Acoustis
Abbas, Esmat. Klangliche Eigenschaften Des Kontrabasses: Spektralanalytische Und Historische Untersuchungen Zum Bau Und Zum Klang . Regensburg: G. Bosse, 1989.
Geschichte, Bauweise und Spieltechnik der Tiefen Streichinstrumente: 21. Musikinstrumentenbau-Symposium Michaelstein, 17. bis 19. November 2000. Blankenburg, Germany: Stiftung Kloster Michaelstein, 2004.
[ articles by Anders Askenfelt and Gunter Ziegenhals ]
Instruments – Bass Bows
Brown, Christopher. Discovering Bows for the Double Bass. Saint Paul, Minn: Beaux Arts Editions, 1994.
Instruments – Construction & Lutherie
Gaetano Rossi : Contrabbasso 1847 – Ex Bottesini. Turis Editrice: Cremona, (1993).
Il restauro conservativo del contrabbasso Panormo / [a cura di] Centro regionale per la progettazione ed il restauro e per le scienze naturali ed applicate ai Beni culturali. Palermo : Regione siciliana, Assessorato dei beni culturali ed ambientali e della pubblica istruzione, Dipartimento dei beni culturali ed ambientali ed educazione permanente, 2008.
Chandler, Peter. So– You Want to Make a Double Bass. Ilderton, Ont.: P. Chandler, 2001.
Cicuttini, Amelio. Il contrabbasso : procedure per la costruzione : secondo il metodo classico cremonese della forma interna. Cremona : Cremonabooks, 2012.
Cicuttini, Amelio. Double-Bass : procedure for the construction : following the classic cremonese method of the internal mould. Cremona : Cremonabooks, 2012.
Hargrave, Roger Graham and René Zaal. Making a Double Bass. Roger Hargrave, 2014
Download: Small file — Big file for Pint
Hitchings, Bob. Double Bass Making. London: Gwyllum Press, 1999.
Lallement, J. La Dynamique des instruments à archet (violon, alto, violoncelle, contrebasse). “Savoir travailler”. Préface de M. Adolphe Boschot. Paris: Max Eschig et, éditeurs, 1925.
Traeger, Chuck, David Brownell, and William Merchant. The Setup and Repair of the Double Bass for Optimum Sound: A Manual for Players, Makers, and Repairers . Aumsville, Or: H. Strobel, 2004
Wake, Harry S. To Make a Double Bass: With Drawings by the Author. San Diego: H.S. Wake, 1995.
Wake, Harry S. To Make a Double Bass. San Diego, Calif: H.S. Wake, 1982.
Instrumentos – Museum Catalogos.
Birsak, Kurt, and Anneliese Birsak. Gambe, Cello, Kontrabass Und Katalog Der Zupf Und Streichinstrumente Im Carolino Augusteum. Salzburg: Carolino Augusteum, 1996.
Instrumentos – Organeologia.
Fleming, James M. The Fiddle Fancier’s Guide: A Manual of Information Regarding Violins, Violas, Basses and Bows of Classical and Modern Times, Together with Biographical Notices and Portraits of the Most Famous Performers of These Instruments. London: Haynes, Foucher & Co, 1892.
Online View and Download: Internet Archive
[cited also under Bass Players and Luthiers – Bass Makers headings]
Martin, Thomas; Lawrence, Martin and George Martin. The English Double Bass. Banbury : Arpeggio Publishing, 2018.
Meijer, Christophe. Catalogue of the Sound-Holes of the Double-Bass and Large Violas Da Gamba. Brussel: The Brussels Museum of Musical Instruments, 1979
Rosengard, Duane. Contrabbassi Cremonesi = Cremonese Double Basses. Cremona: Turris, 1992.
Santoro, Elia. Oltre Stradivari: La Liuteria Classica Cremonese Attraverso Guarneri, Bergonzi E Ceruti. Dal Bassetto Al Contrabbasso, Una Affascinante Storia Iniziata Dal Capostipite Andrea Amati = After Stradivari. Cremona: Ed. Turris, 1991.
Geschichte, Bauweise und Spieltechnik der Tiefen Streichinstrumente: 21. Musikinstrumentenbau-Symposium Michaelstein, 17. bis 19. November 2000. Blankenburg, Germany: Stiftung Kloster Michaelstein, 2004.
[ articles by Annette Otterstedt, Josef Focht, Oskar Kappelmeier and Thomas Schiegnitz ]
Instruments – Bajo electrico.
Bacon, Tony, and Barry Moorhouse. La Légende Des Basses: [une Histoire Illustrée Complète Des Guitares Basses]. French Translation. New Revised 2nd Ed. Neuilly-sur-Seine: Art & images, 2010.
Bacon, Tony, and Barry Moorhouse. The Bass Book: A Complete Illustrated History of Bass Guitars. New Revised 2nd Ed. San Francisco, Calif: Backbeat, 2008.
Bacon, Tony, and Barry Moorhouse. The Bass Book: A Complete Illustrated History of Bass Guitars. New Revised 2nd Ed. New York, N. Y: Backbeat Book, 2008.
Bacon, Tony, and Barry Moorhouse. The Bass Book. 1st British Ed. London: Balafon, 1995.
Bacon, Tony, and Barry Moorhouse. The Bass Book. 1st American Ed. San Francisco: GPI Books, 1995.
Drabløs, Per E. The Quest for the Melodic Electric Bass: From Jamerson to Spenner. Farnham, Surrey : Ashgate, 2015.
Fender. Toda la historia Hunter, Dave Blume. 2022Ficha técnica EAN: 9788418725982 ISBN: 978-84-18725-98-2 Editorial: Blume
HOW THE FENDER BASS CHANGED THE WORLD Roberts, Jim EAN: 9780879306304 ISBN: 978-0-87930-630-4 Editorial: Backbeat Books Fecha de edición: 2001 Idioma: inglés Nº páginas: 192
Luthiers – Constructores.
Fleming, James M. The Fiddle Fancier’s Guide: A Manual of Information Regarding Violins, Violas, Basses and Bows of Classical and Modern Times, Together with Biographical Notices and Portraits of the Most Famous Performers of These Instruments. London: Haynes, Foucher & Co, 1892.
To locate all bass makers within the book, please execute the keyword search for “bass” and “basses” and look for entries within chapter V “Classical and Post Classical Violin Makers” starting with p. 30 at Online View in Internet Archive
Download: Internet Archive 1 – Internet Archive 2
[cited also under Bass Players and Instruments – Organology headings]
Traeger, Chuck, David Brownell, and William Merchant. The Setup and Repair of the Double Bass for Optimum Sound: A Manual for Players, Makers, and Repairers. Aumsville, Or: H. Strobel, 2004.
Cowden, Robert L, Lawrence Hurst, Larry Hutchinson, and Jeffrey Aaron. Double Bass Forum. Reston, Va.: American String Teachers Association, 1996.
Dehant, Jean-Loup. ; Dutriez, Michel ; Hellouin, Pierre. 10 ans avec la Contrebasse [Texte imprimé] / Catalogue Raisonné Proposé par Jean-Loup Dehant,… Michel Dutriez,… Pierre Hellouin. Paris : Institut de Pédagogie Musicale et Chorégraphique, 1992.
Grodner, Murray. Concepts in String Playing: Reflections by Artist-Teachers at the Indiana University School of Music. Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 1979.
Goilav, Yoan. La Contrebasse: Une Philosophie Du Jeu, Histoire, Pédagogie, Technique = the Double Bass : a Philosophy of Playing, History, Pedagogy, Technique. Saint-Nicolas, Québec: Éditions Doberman-Yppan, 2003.
Hellenkemper, Nicolas. Instrumentalvibrato im 19. Jahrhundert: Technik, Anwendung, Notationsformen ; mit einem Ausblick ins 20. Jahrhundert. Schneverdingen: Wagner, 2007.
[Chapter III. Instrumentenentwicklung im 19. Jahrhundert, Kontrabass, p. 55]
[originally a dissertation, cited also in ABP Dissertations ]
Krolick, Edward J. Basic Principles of Double Bass Playing: A Report Prepared for the Menc Committee on String Instruction in the Schools. Washington, D.C: Music Educators National Conference, 1957.
Mattei, Silvia. Il “Metodo per contrabbasso” di Giovanni Bottesini: una questione di ‘scuola.’ Prato : NBB Records, 2009.
Rosa, Alexandre Silva. Técnicas Estendidas do Contrabaixo no Brasil: Revisão de Literatura, Performance e Ensino. São Paulo: Editora Unesp, 2014. Download Page
[ This is a revised work based on Rosa’s 2012 thesis and published as a book by UNESP Editions – Download available in epub file format ]
Spodenkiewicz, Wiktor, and Edward Krysta. I Ogólnopolskie Sympozjum Kontrabasu Na Temat Kontrabas W Aspekcie Współczesnej Pedagogiki I Praktyki Wykonawczej: Wrocław, 6-8 Kwietnia 1974 R. Wrocław: PWSM. Katedra Instrumentów Orkiestrowych, 1977.
[Translated: I Symposium Bass: 6-8 April 1974.: On “Bass in Terms of Modern Pedagogy and Performance Practice” / [ed. Viktor Spodenkiewicz, Edward Krysta; Tł. Urszula Krysta; State Higher School of Music in Wroclaw. Department of Orchestral Instruments; Centre for Pedagogical Education in the Arts in Warsaw.]
Turetzky, Bertram. The Contemporary Contrabass. Berkeley: University of California Press, 1974.
Wolf, Michael. Grundlagen Der Kontrabass-Technik =: Principles of Double Bass Technique. Mainz: Schott, 2007.
EASY DOUBLE BASS. 13 PIECES FOR THE BEGINNER DOUBLE BASS PLAYER Leire, Lode EAN: 9789043169943 ISBN: 978-90-431-6994-3 Editorial: De Haske Fecha de edición: 2024.
Temario de Contrabajo correspondiente al cuerpo de profesores de Música y Artes Escénicas
Alcalde Gil, Beatriz ; Anoz Jiménez, Eduardo ; Balo González, Mónica ; Caballero Estremera, Luis J. ; Fornell, Rubén ; Hernández-Dionís, Paula ; Jurado García, Álvaro ; Jurado Luque, Javier ; Rifón Lastra, Ana Belén
Dos Acordes S.L.. 2022 Ficha técnica EAN: 9788412436266 ISBN: 978-84-124362-6-6 Editorial: Dos Acordes S.L. Fecha de edición: 2022 Idioma: Castellano Nº páginas: 292.
Pedagogia . Jazz & Commercial.
Carey, John. The Working Bassist: What You Really Need to Know to Survive in New York City. New York: Planet Bass, NYC, 2008.
Rosiér, Keith. Studio Bass Masters: Session Tips & Techniques from Top Bass Players. San Francisco: Miller Freeman Books, 1999.
Georgieva, Daniela. Il concerto per contrabbasso e orchestra : analisi di 15 concerti. Mottola (TA) : Salatino, 2011.
Tyler, Peter. About the Double Bass: A Player’s Guide. Maidenhead: P. Tyler, 2011.
Romano, Daniele. Il contrabbasso : passato, presente, futuro. Palermo : Poligraf, 1994
Método de instrumentación. Parte XIII: violonchelo / contrabajo Kunitz, Hans Dos Acordes S.L.. 2022
Contrabajo Literatura
El Contrabajo Maldito, Jose Mª Escayola,(Novela de misterio histórica del contrabajo)
El Contrabajo Perdido ,Jose Mª Escayola ,(Tesis sobre un descubrimiento del origen del contrabajo en la Edad Media).
Degler, Frank. Aisthetische Reduktionen : Analysen zu Patrick Süskinds “Der Kontrabaß”, “Das Parfum” und “Rossini”. Berlin : de Gruyter, 2003.
[originally a dissertation, cited also in ABP Dissertations ]
Steinberg-Pavlova, Viktoria. Musik in Anton Čechovs Erzählungen. Frankfurt am Main [u.a.] : Lang, 2008.
[Chapter 3.1.2. In verschiedenen Erzählungen anzutreffende Musikstücke : “Der Roman mit dem Kontrabass (Roman s kontrabasom)”, p. 68]